October 31, 2023


 Sam Salutes


Sam salutes our heroes--we're celebrating veterans all month long! We’ll be continuing our support for Vets & Brews, who support out veterans by buying them a pint that 

supports the local craft beer scene in Cincy. Every $10 donation buys a pint of beer for a Veteran & the remaining to Patriots Landing. Patriots Landing is a Veteran Services Workshop in Grant County, Kentucky, with a Veterans Carpentry Shop and Training Center. Honoring all those who have served, programs focus on healing. It provides on-the-job skills training for veterans who need it the most – each according to his or her specific skills. 

Throughout the month we’ll be inviting our drinkers to write New Year's cards for troops to make their holiday a bit brighter. Write a custom message to show your appreciation for their sacrifice. Vets & Brews will help us get these to our troops.  

All month we’ll also be running a keep the glass promotion. Upgrade your pint to keep the glass in our taprooms for $1 and we'll match the glass purchase as part of our donation to Vets & Brews. 

Join us for one or all of these opportunities to salute our heroes. Cheers! 

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